The Blakley's
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About Me

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I’m a stay at home mother of two beautiful children, Zoey and Zane. I spend most of my days wiping butts and cleaning up…but what can I say I love every minute of it. I love the time I get to spend each day with my children thanks to God and my wonderful husband. This blog is about our daily happenings at the Blakley Ranch. Hope you enjoy!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Jace is Five Months...

My nephew Jace is five months old. If you read my blog you know that Jace was born premature. He has grown so much over the last few months…he even had a double chin in one of the pictures I took.

My sister reports that Jace is still having problems holding his head up on his own. Jace’s doctor is scheduling an ECI (Early Childhood Intervention) evaluation. ECI works with families to help children reach their full potential through developmental services. This is a precaution to ensure that Jace does not fall behind developmentally, which is a risk factor with children born prematurely. I will keep you posted on the results of his evaluation.

My sister is a great mom and Jace is one happy boy…as you can tell by his beautiful smile.

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