The Blakley's
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About Me

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I’m a stay at home mother of two beautiful children, Zoey and Zane. I spend most of my days wiping butts and cleaning up…but what can I say I love every minute of it. I love the time I get to spend each day with my children thanks to God and my wonderful husband. This blog is about our daily happenings at the Blakley Ranch. Hope you enjoy!

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Joy of Love {Day 5}…

Today’s subject…Love to Hate! We were asked to capture a photo of what we LOVE to hate about our loved ones? This one was hard for me and it took me an extra day to complete the assignment. However, when Zane was throwing a fit in the car last night for this one particular thing I knew I hated it...

Yes, I know he is too old for it. Yes, I know it will mess up his teeth. Yes, I need to get rid of it. However, he loves it and I hate that it is such a comfort for him. If he is tired it consumes his every thought and you can guarantee I get to hear about it. He only gets his “bink” when he sleeps. However, sometimes I feel like an awful mother for not letting him have it when he wants it. To deny him something that brings him security is difficult. At this moment in our lives this small piece of plastic causes a lot of grief in our house. Not to mention all the misery I get from people who tell me he does not need it. So all in all…I hate my son's love for this bink!!!

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